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Magnetic Reactor
Magnetic Reactor with Direct Motor

Name:Magnetic Reactor with Direct Motor

Reaction equipment is one of the most important equipment in manufacturing process. In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, reactor, as an important part of reaction equipment, plays an increasingly important role in various fields. It is widely used in petroleum, chemical industry, medicine, food and other fields.

Compared with the international market, the domestic reactor in our country has the problems of late start and slow development. Therefore, the industrialization of domestic reactor has been widely concerned by the country. In the Plan for Deepening the Management Reform of the Science and Technology Program (Special Projects, Funds, etc.) of the Central Finance, it is mentioned that we should promote the deep integration of science and technology with economy. Strengthen the linkages between science, technology and economy in planning, policy and other aspects. The implementation of this scheme has effectively promoted the rapid development of China's reactor.

With the powerful scientific research force and more specialized technology, the speed of renewal and replacement of reactor is gradually accelerated, the types of reactor are increasing, and the requirements for the quality and technology of reactor are becoming higher and higher in all walks of life.

As one of the widely used equipment of reactor equipment, magnetic reactor has always been favored by the market. The equipment adopts static sealing structure, and magnetic coupling is used between agitator and motor drive. Because of its non-contact transfer moment, static seal instead of dynamic seal can thoroughly solve the leakage problem which can not be solved by mechanical seal and packing seal before, and make the mixing parts of the whole medium work in absolute seal state.

The magnetic reactor is mainly composed of heating furnace, autoclave body, autoclave cover and magnetic stirrer. It is suitable for petroleum, chemical industry, medicine, pesticide, metallurgy, building materials and other fields. Magnetic reactor is an ideal equipment for high temperature and high pressure reactions. It can also be used to react with various flammable, explosive, highly toxic, precious and other highly permeable chemical media. It is the most ideal leakproof reactor for vulcanization, fluorination, hydrogenation and oxidation in organic synthesis, polymer material polymerization, food and other processes. Leakage reaction equipment.

Technological innovation is the fundamental to improve product quality. At this stage, driven by the globalization of the market, the magnetic reactor will develop to a small volume, and from a single agitator to a double agitator or an external pump forced circulation. The new magnetic reactor not only guarantees product quality, but also reduces environmental pollution.

At present, China's domestic magnetic reactor is in a progressive stage. Promoted by a series of national support policies, the development environment of domestic magnetic reactor in China has been further improved, and a platform for development and exchange has been set up for domestic instrument industry, which will contribute to the development of domestic instrument industry.
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