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Address:No.2, South No.1 Road, YangTing Village, HuanCui District

Lift and Flip Reacto
50L Jacket Circulating Reactor with Lifting Device

Name:50L Jacket Circulating Reactor with Lifting Device

Pharmaceutical reactor has the characteristics of rapid heating, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, sanitation, no environmental pollution, no need for automatic heating of boiler, easy use and low price. Widely used in chemical industry, medicine, food and other industries, materials used 304 stainless steel.
The structure principle and characteristics of pharmaceutical reactor: The reactor is composed of pot body, pot cover, agitator, jacket, support and transmission device, shaft packaging device, etc. The material and opening of the reactor can be determined according to user's technological requirements. Heating forms include electric heating, oil heating, gas heating, water heating (or cooling), open fire heating, etc. The jacket can be divided into two types: jacket type and outer half-pipe type. The jacket oil heating type is equipped with a diversion device. Stirring forms generally include paddle type, anchor type, frame type, screw type, scraper type, etc. The high speed category includes dispersed impeller type, turbine type, high shear type and propeller type, which are available for customers to choose according to the process. The transmission forms include ordinary motor, explosion-proof motor, electromagnetic speed regulating motor, frequency converter, etc. The reducer includes cycloid pinwheel, worm wheel and planetary stepless speed changing type. Shaft seals are ordinary water cooling packing seal, combined tetrafluoro packing seal and mechanical seal. The discharging forms are ball valve and down-spreading valve.
Technical Requirements for Pharmaceutical Reactor
The inner tank body is made of stainless steel (SUS304, SUS316L or SUS321) according to the process requirements. The inner surface is polished by mirror. It can be cleaned by CIP on-line and sterilized by SIP, which meets the requirements of sanitary standards.
The jacket is made of stainless steel (SUS304) or carbon steel (Q235-B) according to the process requirements.
Suitable diameter-height ratio design, customized mixing device on demand; mixing shaft seal adopts pressure-resistant sanitary mechanical seal device to maintain the working pressure in the tank and prevent unnecessary pollution and material loss caused by material leakage in the tank.
The supporting type adopts the suspension supporting ear type or the landing supporting leg type according to the operation requirements.
Lifting Reactor, Pilot Reactor, High Pressure Reactor, Polyreactor, Hydrogenation Reactor
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